Everyone gets out of balance occasionally. It might be a big project at work or a family concern that is to blame. It you do not bounce back from the shift; the imbalance can become chronic. Once that happens, it is harder to recognize that something is out of whack. There are numerous side effects that impact a person’s health, relationships, and success. All can be reversed or fixed if one achieves and maintains a balance between work and life. The key is to know that you are, indeed, out of balance. This is easier said than done.
Becoming out of balance is not the same as catching a cold. The symptoms do not develop over a few days. Recovery is not possible in one to two weeks. Work/life imbalance develops slowly over weeks, months, or even years. It can come on suddenly with a high-visibility project or a job change. Home life changes, such a new child or an ailing parent, can also cause a sudden shift in balance.
Shifts in balance can also develop on a long-term basis. The causes of these types of shifts are harder to pin-point, but they are usually a combination of several momentous events occurring over an extended period that often culminate into a long-term shift or imbalance. It is often harder to recognize these types of shifts, since the body has a fantastic way of adapting. The way to see that there is an imbalance comes from those around you. Strains within relationships are usually the first sign that something is not right.
The symptoms of work/life imbalance vary; here are some of the most common:
- Sleep disturbances – This includes insomnia and hypersomnia (sleeping too much).
- Weight change – Weight loss can be contributed to skipping meals or an increased intake of caffeine. Weight gain can be contributed to eating out more than usual or an increased sedentary lifestyle. There are many other causes; these are just a few of the most common.
- Mental fog – Constantly feeling like you are forgetting something or missing appointments is a sign that your brain is on overdrive and needs to rest.
- Relationship strain – Are friends and family begging for your attention? If they complain that they never see you anymore, work/life imbalance may be the cause.
If you recognize any of these symptoms, it is time to take a hard look at your life as you currently live it.
David Klein is a leading Executive IT Recruiter & Headhunter with over 15 years industry experience. As Manager of Recruitment Strategy for KDS Staffing, Inc., he has achieved industry-leading success. David has successfully led, trained and introduced many in the art of Executive Recruitment and Headhunting. If you or your organization would like to discuss hiring needs, contact David at 646-650-2833 or david@kdsstaffing.com.