KDS Best Practices

KDS Best Practices2020-10-15T11:50:07-05:00

Video Interviews : Smart Recruiting Tools

Video interviews are sort of a happy medium between an interview in person and one over the phone looking at the detailed information on paper.  When recruiters review resumes, they can get a pretty good feel for what the person is all about, but nothing like getting a face to face interaction first hand. The technology is available to set up this type of interview quickly.  If your firm needs [...]

By |September 20th, 2016|Categories: Interview Tips|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Be Creative with Interview Questions

The interview process is a way to learn about a future employee.  So, the questions you do choose to ask are crucial and will help you discover as much information as possible on that particular individual.  It is to your advantage to come up with specific, interesting and original questions each time.  Although it might seem like it would be time consuming, you will end up saving time and money [...]

By |September 15th, 2016|Categories: Interview Tips|Tags: , , |0 Comments

4 Ways to Ensure a Successful Interview

As a future employer or recruiter, you do want to be as ready for the interview as your candidate will be.  The way the interview is handled is a direct reflection on your firm’s reputation, and as you already know, you don’t have a second chance to make a first impression. So, how exactly can you practice and sharpen your skills as an interviewer?  Be prepared.  Set up some practice interviews with [...]

Increasing Employee Engagement

Let’s face it, every manager in every organization wishes that all of their employees were engaged employees.  The truly engaged employee is the one that arrives early, stays late, and truly gives 100% starting the minute they walk through the door.  These employees are happy with their employment environment, compensation and benefits package, and even their management team, and have a genuine desire to excel at their place of employment. [...]

Let’s All Get Along

In an ideal world everyone would get along; there would be no conflicts.  We live in this place called reality.  In reality people don't like everyone they meet or work with.  This can be a huge challenge in the workplace.  Office politics and gossip can create drama, leaving managers to deal with the fallout.  Even more challenging is when the manager is faced with managing someone they don't like. It [...]

By |August 2nd, 2016|Categories: Interactions, Office Etiquette|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Identifying Four Different Employee Profiles

In an increasingly competitive business world, there has been a renewed concentration and emphasis placed on not only customer retention, but employee retention as well.  Keeping current employees is much more economically feasible than going through the lengthy and often complex process of hiring and training new employees.  That said, it’s more important than ever to understand who you have working for you, and employees can be seen to fit [...]

By |August 1st, 2016|Categories: Employee Profiles, Hiring|Tags: , |0 Comments
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