KDS Best Practices

KDS Best Practices2020-10-15T11:50:07-05:00

WorkPlace Conflict Resolution

In order to keep your team members happy, motivated and engaged, you have to learn how to handle issues at work.  As a manager, it is your responsibility to make sure your staff feels safe, comfortable and that you help create a work atmosphere with low amount of drama.  To do so, there are several ways we suggest below: pick one of several of them. Be consistent and fair. Now [...]

How to Retain Your Best Employees…

In order to address any ongoing problems in your organization, it is essential to look at the source of the issues first.  If your company is progressively loosing great team members, you should really study the reasons why they are leaving in order to react appropriately.  There has to be something your firm can do to stop this, and it might need to be more than offering a few additional [...]

Small perks can go a long way

Firms do have to be creative when it comes the time to offer some rewards and privileges to their employees.  Rewards programs can greatly improve your staff’s motivation and retention.  Look into it seriously and understand what could work the best for your organization and your specific teams of employees.  Do not improvise such a reward program at the last minute, do put some thoughts into it so it can [...]

By |November 22nd, 2016|Categories: Reward Program|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Motivating your team is key

This is a hilarious photo! A bonus, a raise or an award are definitely things that can contribute to motivate your team.  However, sometimes it is important to find non-monetary ways to help your staff stay motivated.  Let’s discover how exactly you could do so. Strike a conversation with one employee of yours every day.  Choose to learn about one member of your team regarding their professional or [...]

Exercise your brain by reading

I am sure that growing up you have been told how important reading was.  If it was not by your parents, probably by your teachers.  It is as true as it ever been and you should consider picking up reading as a habit if you haven’t already.  It is never too late and there is no such thing as a bad read.  So pick up a book, any book! Cultivate [...]

By |November 1st, 2016|Categories: Cultivating Habit|Tags: , , |0 Comments

5 Ingredients of a Successful Organizational Brand

We have already discussed the need for a strong Employee Branding Program, and now we will move on to strategy’s to decrease the expense of hiring, increase the number of applicants to choose from within your applicant pool, and how to ensure that prospective employee’s very much want to work for your company by creating a strong and effective employee branding strategy. The primary goals of any organizational branding strategy [...]

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