Tips for Staying Healthy at Work
A man is working at a standup desk in an office where he works because standing is healthier than sitting all day. Live healthy, don’t sit all day. When was the last time you got up from your desk or looked at something other than a computer screen? If it has been longer than an hour, GET UP! Go take a walk around the office or grab a [...]
You are Feeling Sleepy
Young woman yawning near laptop at work covering mouth with hand, feeling drowsy suffering from lack of sleep Sleep deprivation is an epidemic in modern society. Too many rely on midday caffeine rituals to help stay alert. Over time, lack of adequate sleep can result in decreased immunity and serious medical conditions. Taking a cue from our younger selves by partaking in an afternoon nap might be the [...]
Feeling Stressed?
Stress is a simple fact of life. Even though there is no authentic way to eliminate it from our lives, there are ways to minimize its effects on our physical and mental health. The American Psychological Association estimates that job stress costs $30 billion per year. A Towers Watson and Company study of 892 employers worldwide indicates stress as the biggest lifestyle risk, closely followed by obesity and lack of [...]
The Benefits of a Zero-Minute Commute
The effects of a long commute both in mileage and time can be detrimental to your organization’s ability to attract, hire, and retain top talent. Virtual teams allow for work to be performed at any time, from anywhere, thus increasing revenues, productivity, and morale. Keep reading as we make a case for creating part- or full-time virtual teams in your organization. According to data from the January 2016 report from [...]
Don’t Stand So Close to Me
Unless you are in a crowded room, no one likes a close talker. This time we learn how to read body language. This is a crucial skill that extends beyond networking and is beneficial in all social situations, whether at the office or a family picnic. Body language can speak volumes about a person. Learning to master your body language and effectively reading another’s body language is the key to [...]
Please…Tell Me More
People talking and hangout with iced tea Please... Tell Me More Networking is the backbone to nearly everything in life. It is how we meet new people in all areas of our personal and professional lives. Last time, we discussed the first step in face-to-face networking - approaching someone. You have exchanged introductions and have engaged in small talk. Now what? Many conversations die after the small talk. [...]